Interaction between the ASGP and the
IPU at the 112 th IPU Assembly in Manila
The meeting welcomed the address by the President of the IPU, Senator Sergio Páez. The President of the ASGP expressed gratitude that Senator Páez was able to join ASGP colleagues.
The ASGP meeting was also addressed by Mr Martin Chungong, Director of the Division for the Promotion of Democracy in the IPU secretariat. Mr Chungong introduced Mr Andy Richardson who had recently joined the IPU secretariat and taken responsibility for its Resource Centre. Mr Richardson returned later to seek and confirm details of parliaments for the PARLINE database – See request for details elsewhere in this bulletin.
Mr Chungong referred delegates to the IPU Secretary-General's Report for 2004 for detail on the work of the secretariat. He then gave an overview of activities that were especially relevant to the work of ASGP colleagues and noted this work focused on two main areas:
He then outlined the recent activities of the IPU in those areas.

Strengthening capacity—activities
- Afghanistan
In October 2004 the IPU had participated in an assessment mission to Kabul . In collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme it had assessed the needs of the future parliament, and was working towards a project that was intended to ensure that the right conditions existed for the future Parliament of Afghanistan. This project addressed the human resource and technical as well as the infrastructure needs of the future Parliament. The French Parliament has already provided substantial support in terms of staff training.
In May 2004, a meeting of Speakers of parliaments in surrounding countries had pledged IPU support for the establishment of democratic institutions in Iraq . This had led to involvement in monitoring the out-of-country election for the Transitional National Assembly and to discussions with the Iraqi authorities with a view to long term support for the institution. A project is being established with the aims of meeting the immediate needs of the Transitional Assembly and the longer term needs of the permanent Assembly.
- Nigeria
The project is well underway. A project unit has been established in Abuja . The project will strengthen the capacities of the Federal Parliament and six State legislatures and will help to foster links between these legislatures and the general public.
- Uruguay
The project in Uruguay has entered into its second phase. It is being implemented in co-operation with UNDP and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. It focuses on capacity building for parliamentarians with a special emphasis on human rights.
Projects are continuing in Equatorial Guinea , Albania , Pakistan , Sri Lanka , and Timor Leste. In Kosovo work continues on the project to enhance provision of information from the Assembly to the public.
- A three-year agreement has been concluded with the Swedish International Cooperation Development Agency which is making available funding for capacity building projects and activities to promote human rights and the participation of women in political life.


Democracy Framework Project
The IPU has embarked on a major project to identify best practice in parliaments in the field of democracy. Letters have been sent to colleagues regarding the questionnaire on this project. The focus of the questionnaire is on practices in which parliaments engage that promote democracy. A draft manual will be produced for discussion in Libreville in May 2005 during the meeting of the preparatory Committee for the Second Speakers Conference, with the aim of a final draft being discussed and endorsed in New York in September 2005, during that Conference.
Mr Chungong thanked all ASGP colleagues for their assistance and the information provided to the IPU and for the secondment of staff to the IPU. He looked forward to further co-operation.

Future activities
22-23 April , Paris —seminar on parliaments, environmental management and sustainable development (together with the UN Institute for Training and Research)
25-27 May, Geneva —seminars for chairs of human rights committees, with the theme of freedom of expression
1-2 July, Uruguay —seminar for Latin American Parliaments on parliamentary oversight of the security sector
7-9 September, New York —World Conference of Speakers of Parliaments (tentative plans have been made for an ASGP meeting on 6 September)
- September, El Salvador —seminar for Latin American Parliaments on Parliament and the budgetary process
