Note : The President, the Vice-Presidents and the Members are elected for three years
Name |
Address |
Alternative Contacts |
Yusef AZAD,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
22 Jelf Road,
London. SW2 1BH
United Kingdom
Franck Boulin,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
Deutscher Bundestag
(Referat Internationale Beziehungen),
Platz der Republik 1,
D-11011 Berlin,
Germany |
Telephone: (49) 30 227 33954 |
Sylvie BOULLE,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
Assemblée nationale,
(service des Etudes)
126 rue de l’Université,
75355 Paris Cedex 07 SP,
France |
Telephone: (33) 1 4063 8523 |
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
10 bis rue de Rouvray,
92200 Neuilly,
France |
Michel DRAIN,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
Assemblée nationale
(service des Etudes),
126, rue de l'Université,
75355 Paris 07 SP,
France |
Telephone: (33) 1 4063 8526 |
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
Assemblée nationale,
75355 Paris
France |
Andrew KENNON,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
House of Commons,
London, SW1A 0AA
United Kingdom |
Telephone: (44) 20 7219 1365 |
Douglas MILLAR,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
Clerk Assistant,
House of Commons,
London SW1A 0AA
United Kingdom |
Telephone: (44) 20 7219 3311 |
Stéphanie OLTRA,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
Assemblée nationale,
(commission des Finances)
126 rue de l'Université,
Paris 07 SP
Telephone: (33) 1 4063 6613 |
Jean-Yves PAUTI,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
Assemblée nationale
(service des Relations internationales),
126, rue de l'Université,
75355 , Paris 07 SP.
France |
Telephone: (33) 1 4063 8440 |
Crispin POYSER,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
Cabinet Office
Room 037, 70 Whitehall
London SW1A 2AS
United Kingdom
Telephone: (44) 20 7276 0351 |
Vincent TOCANNE,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
Assemblée nationale
(service des Affaires européennes),
126 rue de l'Université,
75355 , Paris 07 SP
Telephone: (33) 1 4063 6517 |
Robert WILSON,
Honorary Secretary of the Association |
Principal Clerk of Committees,
House of Commons,
London SW1A 0AA
United Kingdom |
Telephone: (44) 20 7219 3286 |