Parliamentary adviser positions in Timor-Leste
The UNDP has several vacancies for Advisors to the Parliament of Timor-Leste.
Timor-Leste became independent in 2002. A democratic semi-presidential governance system based upon the separation of powers and mutual cooperation of the institutions of state was developed.
The National Parliament was established from scratch in a setting of inexperienced parliamentarians; an acute shortage of skilled personnel and significant language barriers. Achievements are not yet consolidated and many challenges can only be defeated with long-term assistance. UNDP has supported the growth of the legislature since 2003. A revised Parliament Project 2006-09 has been approved. A new set of comprehensive capacity-development interventions will be implemented in five strategic areas: oversight capacity; legislative support; democratic representation; gender mainstreaming and; Secretariat capacity building. The overall objective of the project is to develop the institutional capacities that allow the parliament to fully and effectively perform its constitutional mandate.
More information about these positions is available from the links below. TOR for these positions are available in English and Portugese languages.
