On Tuesday 4 July the Lord Chancellor ceased to be Speaker of the House of Lords and was replaced by a Lord Speaker elected by the members of the House for a period of five years. The new Lord Speaker is Baroness Hayman.
Initially the Lord Speaker’s Private Secretary will be David Beamish (beamishdr@parliament.uk) on a temporary basis. By the end of 2006 this role will pass to Nicolas Besly. The e¬mail address of the Lord Speaker’s Office will be lordspeaker@parliament.uk, the telephone number +44 (0)20 7219 6444, and the fax number +44 (0)20 7219 2075
The postal address is: The Lord Speaker’s Office, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW.
All communications on parliamentary matters formerly addressed to the Lord Chancellor in his capacity as Speaker of the House of Lords should in future be sent to the Lord Speaker.
I should be grateful if you would notify your Speaker and Secretary General/Clerk of the House of these changes.
From January 2007 David Beamish will, in addition to his overall responsibility for the Lord Speaker’s Office, resume the role of Clerk of the Overseas Office.
Rhodri Walters
Clerk of Committees and Clerk of the Overseas Office
House of Lords
