Celebrating the Anniversary of Women's Suffrage in France
March 7th 2005
By Mrs Hélène Ponceau, Secretary General of the Questure, Senate, France As part of the events organised for the 60th anniversary of the liberation of France (from June 3rd to May 21st 2005), the Senate and its President have taken the initiative of according particular importance to the anniversary of women's suffrage, which first took place in spring 1945. This first vote has a special importance for the Senate, which is principally elected by municipal councils and their delegates, as it was first exercised at municipal elections which were the first free elections after the French occupation.
This anniversary also takes on a special dimension in light of the fact that there have been 56 women in the Senate since the last re-election in September 2004. This figure equals 17%, which is the highest percentage ever reached by a French parliamentary assembly.
Since the last municipal elections in spring 2001, female mayors number 4067 which represents approximately 11% of mayors (although women represent 32% of the members of municipal councils, thanks to the parity law of June 6th 2000).
Nearly half of these female mayors have accepted the invitation from the President of the Senate to come to Paris on March 7 th 2005, on the eve of International Women's Day. The day will be divided into two parts:
the morning session will focus on debate which will take place within the five committees brought together at the Palais du Luxembourg, on the five following themes: the female condition in the face of municipal elective responsibilities; what are your priorities for municipal management?; learning, communicating and participating; how can we bring about greater participation by women in public life?; the vision of female mayors with regard to the future of towns;
the afternoon session, in the grand amphitheatre of the Palais des Congrès, will be held in the presence of several ministers, including the Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Local Rights, representatives of European female mayors, and Mrs Simone Veil, former minister and former president of the European Parliament. This session will focus on the results of the survey of female mayors concerning their vision with regard to "local management from a woman's perspective", as well as summaries from the morning committees and a debate with the invited guests and the floor.
With this event, the Senate wants to renew the large meeting of July 14th, 2000 with the mayors of France. In so doing, it is also affirming its constitutional links with the representatives of local communities and underlining its desire to reinforce the place of women in French political life.
Article by Mrs Hélène Ponceau, Secretary General of the Questure, Senate, France
